Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Golden City Shooting Club - IPSC

This was a full weekend of shooting for us.
We have been in a squad where we were tested for safety but now that we have been up graded we are free to shoot at any time.
Normally we only shoot on a Saturday and when we do we shoot in the Standard Division with our STI 40 calabre. 
We have been concentratting on accuarcy more than speed to get going at first.
Thjis weekend we decided to shoot on the Sunday as well and try out our 9mm pistols.
Never shot competition with them before and never shot in the Production Division before.
Thank goodness we were in a squad that was there just to enjoy and not put stress on us.
My main obsticle was the first shot that had to be double action which we don't normally do and it was like I was actually watching the hammer come back SLOWLY so that my shot didn't go over the berns on anywhere it shouldn't.
I am sure I am going to be somewhere down the bottom of the log in this Production DIvision but once again, I loved every minute of shooting.
Thanks all who shot with us on Saturday:- Wayne, Mark andBardev.
Then all the Laughs on Sunday with:- Bennet, Brendan and Humphrey.

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